
InvisalignLubbock, TX

If you are looking for an efficient alternative to straighten your teeth besides braces, then we can offer Invisalign®. These clear aligner trays provide an array of benefits along with being removable and difficult to notice. Invisalign is a series of customized clear aligner trays that gradually shift the teeth into the proper alignment for a straight smile.

Invisalign is available at BlueSky Orthodontics in Lubbock and the surrounding area. During the initial appointment, we can determine if Invisalign is the right treatment for you and begin to customize the trays to your teeth. These trays are clear, flexible plastic that the patient continues to wear day and night.

Call us and schedule an appointment to learn if Invisalign is the teeth-straightening treatment for you.

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    An Innovative Solution for Teeth Straightening

    Straightening one's teeth will provide more benefits than just an enhanced appearance. With traditional braces, patients are unable to remove them from their teeth. Invisalign can help to straighten teeth while being removable, so patients do not need to change their diet too much.

    According to the Pennsylvania Dental Association, approximately 4 million people in the United States use braces. While braces are effective, patients may prefer alternative options. Invisalign involves a series of aligner trays similar to a clear mouthguard. The patient will swap out one tray for the next in the series about every two weeks or so.

    Invisalign takes advantage of 3D printing technology and advanced software. Our digital scanning tools allow us to see teeth. Then, we use high-tech software to map out the progression towards the ideal smile. Finally, a series of custom aligners are created to guide teeth gradually, gently, and comfortably into place.

    "One of the main benefits of Invisalign® aligners is how comfortable they feel."

    Why Many Patients Like Invisalign Aligners

    Invisalign offers patients a variety of benefits. Including:

    • Flexibility:Invisalign trays are simple to remove during mealtimes. Easy removal is one of the main benefits of Invisalign compared to other alignment options. Patients can remove them during meals, sports games, social gatherings, and more.
    • Confidence: Thanks to tightly fitting plastic contours, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible. Most of the time, other people can’t tell that you’re using orthodontics at all. Patients can talk, smile, laugh, and work with total confidence.
    • Comfort:One of the main benefits of Invisalign aligners is how comfortable they feel. The form-fitting plastic aligners don’t have any sharp edges to cut mouth surfaces. Instead, they keep gums, tongue, and cheek tissue happy and healthy.
    • Versatility:Patients with a wide variety of dental misalignment problems can experience excellent results with Invisalign. Invisalign can help to treat overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, gap teeth, and crowded teeth. Of course, every smile is unique, and some complex cases may need a combination of treatment therapies.
    • Oral health:Invisalign aligners are removable any time you need to brush your teeth, floss, or use mouthwash. The versatility makes it easy for patients to continue proper oral hygiene.

    How Invisalign Treatment Works

    The first step of Invisalign treatment is to take a digital scan of the patient's teeth. We may also create a mold of the teeth. With 3D imaging software, we can map out a projection of where the teeth will need to shift for proper alignment. We can then isolate specific points along this process and create aligner trays that match the teeth at that time.

    After around two or three weeks, the patient will switch to a new aligner in the series until they complete the treatment. There may be a small amount of soreness when wearing a new aligner tray. However, it will only last around a day, so long as the patient follows our instructions and maintains the proper order of aligner trays we prescribe.

    After a few weeks, the person switches to a new aligner with additional changes for teeth positioning. Patients can slide the new Invisalign trays into place without issues. Of course, periodic checkups with our team are necessary to monitor alignment progress and offer personalized recommendations.

    "For many patients, Invisalign® treatment is completely painless from beginning to end."

    Call Us Today

    If fear of traditional metal braces has held you back from achieving the brilliant smile you deserve, Invisalign is the solution. Call us at 806-318-9012 to schedule an appointment and learn if Invisalign is the treatment to meet your needs. The straight smile you desire is a possibility with our treatment.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does Invisalign hurt?

    While there may be some soreness at the beginning of the procedure, patients will not continue to feel pain throughout the treatment process. Patients may experience minor soreness for a few hours when switching to a new set of aligners. Otherwise, the Invisalign treatment will not typically cause the patient pain.

    Can I switch to Invisalign if I’m already using braces?

    Each patient’s alignment needs are unique. Our team needs to perform a careful evaluation to determine what options deliver the results you expect. You may be able to make the switch to Invisalign right away, or we may recommend a combination of braces and Invisalign treatment.

    Do I have to wear Invisalign aligners all day?

    We recommend using Invisalign aligners for 20–22 hours a day. The amount of time helps teeth shift into position more quickly and effectively. Generally speaking, patients use their aligners all day and while sleeping, except when eating food, drinking beverages, or cleaning their teeth.

    How do I brush my teeth with Invisalign?

    You will need to remove the aligner trays to properly brush and floss your teeth. It is crucial to continue cleaning your teeth to prevent oral health issues and possible infection. You can also rinse the aligner trays off before inserting them back into your mouth.

    How often do I need to change Invisalign aligners?

    Patients usually change alignment trays every one or two weeks. We will help you determine the right pace depending on your personal dental goals and teeth. It’s a good idea to keep track of switch dates on your calendar or smartphone.

    Do I have to avoid certain foods with Invisalign?

    You do not have to give up any of your favorite foods during Invisalign treatment, even popcorn. Remove the aligners before you eat and slip them back on after brushing your teeth. You can also chew gum as long as you remove the aligners first.

    Contact Us

    BlueSky Orthodontics is located at
    12125 Salisbury Blvd
    Lubbock, TX

    (806) 318-9012